Resourcing Circle adds enhanced contractor reporting functionality

Resourcing Circle has just released a software update which provides Recruiters and Resourcing Managers with enhanced reporting on their usage of contractors and temporary staff. The reporting functionality is combined into a contractor reporting dashboard which provides a graphical overview of contractor usage and performance together with the ability to drill down into more detailed information.

Resourcing Circle Founder & CEO Errol Forbes said: “The introduction of the reporting dashboard is in response to comments from Resourcing Managers saying that they had difficulty getting accurate information on the number of contractors within their organisation and on how those contractors were being used”. The reporting dashboard is designed to assist companies in moving to a situation where they have a centralised contractor hub which provides easy access to all of their key information about contractor usage.

Information that Resourcing Managers are able to access via Resourcing Circle’s contractor reporting dashboard includes:

  • A historic and forward-looking overview of the contractor assignments within their organisation
  • An overview of the performance ratings allocated to their contractors
  • Rankings of their recruitment agencies based on the performance ratings of the contractors that they provided
  • Detailed information (e.g. cost, ratings, duration, etc) about the assignments carried out within a particular time period or for a specific part of the business.

The introduction of the contractor reporting dashboard is a significant step towards Resourcing Circle’s goal of helping companies effectively and efficiently manage their contractor workforce.

If you would like to know more about Resourcing Circle then please visit the Resourcing Circle website – Circle Contractor Reporting Dashboard

About rescircle

The Resourcing Circle online software enables companies to build talent pools of reviewed contractors and temps. This saves money on recruitment agency fees & improves the quality of contractors hired. To find out more visit our website -
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