How Resourcing Circle was born

I decided to develop the Resourcing Circle software after spending 4 years working as a contractor. During this time I realised that companies had no structured way to record the performance of their contractors and temps. This resulted in contractors who were on hundreds of pounds per day performing poorly, being “let go”, and then being rehired by a different department in the same organisation. Also, I saw that organisations were unable to tap into the pool of talented people that they had used previously. This meant that they would often spend money on recruitment agency fees to hire new, untested individuals, because they were unaware of proven experienced contractors who had worked for other parts of their organisation.

My thinking was that it must be possible to build an online tool that would firstly allow companies to capture and use reviews about their contractors and secondly would enable them to remain in contact with, and reuse, contractors that they’d used previously.  After over a year of market research, legal investigation, design work and software development this led to Resourcing Circle being born.

About rescircle

The Resourcing Circle online software enables companies to build talent pools of reviewed contractors and temps. This saves money on recruitment agency fees & improves the quality of contractors hired. To find out more visit our website -
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